


(Turkic), a functionary of the Mongol khan in charge of collecting tribute and population counts in conquered territories. The baskaks had military detachments at their disposal, which were used to suppress the rebellions of the subjugated people against the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The baskaks appeared in Rus’ in the mid-13th century. However, as early as the early 14th century the khans were forced to transfer the collection of tribute in Rus’ to the Russian princes.


Nasonov, A. N. Mongoly i Rus’. Moscow-Leningrad, 1940.
Zimin, A. A. “Narodnye dvizheniia 20–kh godov XIV v. i Iikvidatsiia sistemy baskachestva v Severo-Vostochnoi Rusi.” Izv. AN:Seriia istorii ifilosofii, 1952, vol. 9, no. 1.