


also sca·lop·pi·ni S0118400 (skăl′ə-pē′nē, skä′lə-)n. Small, thinly sliced pieces of meat, especially veal, dredged in flour, sautéed, and served in a sauce.
[Italian, pl. of scaloppina, diminutive of scaloppa, thin slice, from French escalope, from Old French, shell (from the fillets being served curled like shells); see scallop.]


(ˌskæləˈpiːnɪ) or scaloppinipl n1. (Cookery) escalopes of meat, esp veal, cooked in a rich sauce, usually of wine with seasonings[Italian: from scaloppa a fillet, probably from Old French escalopescallop]


or scal•lo•pi•ni

(ˌskɑ ləˈpi ni, ˌskæl ə-)

n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) scallops of meat, esp. veal, floured and sautéed. [1945–50; < Italian scaloppine, pl. of scaloppina <scalopp(a) thin slice (of veal, poultry, etc.) (< French escalope; see scallop)]


Small escalopes of veal, about 3 in square and weighing 1–11⁄2 oz.