Siberian Acacia

Siberian Acacia


(Camgana arborescens), a shrub or small tree (up to 7 m tall) of the genus Camgana, family Leguminosae. The leaves are parapinnate with four to seven pairs of leaflets and thornlike stipules. The flowers are yellow and bisexual. There may be one to five flowers in the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a pod with five to eight brownish seeds.

The Siberian acacia grows quickly, produces fruit abundantly, and lives for a long time. It requires light. It is winter hardy and drought-resistant; it endures clipping and transplanting well. The Siberian acacia is not demanding of soils and enriches the earth with nitrogen. It propagates itself by means of seeds and stool shoots. It is encountered in previously forested areas, on the edges of forests and on rocky inclines, and on river banks in the southern part of the forested zone in Siberia and in the northwest part of the People’s Republic of Mongolia.

The Siberian acacia is used for hedgerows and borders and is planted on slopes, in ravines, and near bodies of water for landscaping purposes. It is a good nectariferous plant, and its dense, hard wood is used in making small wooden articles.