Siberian Northern Swine

Siberian Northern Swine


a breed of swine raised for meat and lard developed in 1942 on the farms of the Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Livestock Breeding and on kolkhozes in Podgornoe Raion, Tomsk Oblast, by crossing local Siberian Narym sows with Large White boars. Long-term selection work was later conducted to increase meatiness and early maturation.

Siberian Northern swine are adapted to the harsh conditions of Siberia. The coat is white, and the body is covered with long, thick bristles. The boars weigh 300–330 kg (sometimes as much as 400 kg) and the sows 225–250 kg. The sows bear from ten to 12 young per farrow. Young animals being fattened for meat weigh as much as 100 kg by six months of age; they consume 3.8–4 feed units per kg weight gain. The dressing percentage is 70–75 percent, and the meat yield is 50–56 percent.

Siberian Northern swine are used for commercial crossing with the Large White and Landrace breeds. They are raised in Siberia and the Far East.


Simon, M. O. Sibirskaia severnaia poroda svinei. Moscow, 1945.
Svinovodslvo. Edited by G. N. Dobrokhotov. Moscow, 1974.