Siberian Sketchbook

Siberian Sketchbook


the first Russian geographic atlas. It summarized the results of geographic discoveries of the 17th century.

In 1695, S. U. Remezov made copies of maps that had been sent to Moscow from Siberia and sketched a number of original maps. In 1696 and 1697, sketch maps of various parts of Siberia were compiled in Tobol’sk, Irkutsk, and other cities. Remezov compiled sketch maps of Western Siberia and an atlas of Siberian rivers. Between 1699 and 1701, Remezov, together with his three sons, compiled the Siberian Sketchbook.

The Siberian Sketchbook comprised a preface and 23 large maps that encompassed the entire territory of Siberia and were outstanding for the abundance and detail of their information. The maps had no graticule and were oriented with south rather than north on top. Nevertheless, the book was an important achievement of early Russian cartography.


Chertezhnaia kniga Sibiri, sostavlennaia tobol’skim synom boiarskim Semenom Remezovym v 1701 g. St. Petersburg, 1882.
Gol’denberg, L. A. 5. U. Remezov—sibirskii kartograf i geograf. Moscow, 1965.