释义 |
respiratory enteric orphan virus
res·pi·ra·to·ry en·ter·ic or·phan vi·rusa nonenveloped icosahedral virus with a two-layered capsid the genome of which consists of multiple segments of double-stranded RNA, belonging to the family Reoviridae, frequently found in both the respiratory and enteric tract. Synonym(s): REO virusres·pi·ra·to·ry en·ter·ic or·phan vi·rus (res'pir-ă-tōr-ē en-ter'ik ōr'făn vī'rŭs) A nonenveloped icosahedral virus with a genome that consists of double-stranded RNA, belonging to the family Reoviridae, which is frequently found in both the respiratory and enteric tracts. AcronymsSeeREO |