Vibrio cholerae

Vib·ri·o chol·'er·ae

a bacterial species that produces a soluble exotoxin and is the cause of cholera in humans; it is the type species of the genus Vibrio. Synonym(s): cholera bacillus, comma bacillus

Vibrio cholerae

Infectious disease The Vibrio that produces the heat-tolerant exotoxin which causes cholera Epidemiology Transmitted through poorly treated water supplies Clinical Abdominal cramping, diarrhea Management Rehydration is more important than antibiotics. See Broad Street pump, Cholera toxin.

Vib·ri·o cho·ler·ae

(vib'rē-ō kol'ĕr-ē) A bacterial species that produces a soluble exotoxin and is the cause of cholera in humans; it is the type species of the genus Vibrio.
Synonym(s): comma bacillus.