(computer)The VIC-20 had connectors for game cartridges and a tape drive (compatible with a C64). It came with five kilobytesof RAM, but 1.5 KB were used by the system for variousthings, like the video display (which had an unusual 22x20char/line screen layout), and other dynamic aspects of theoperating system (such as it was). The RAM was expandablewith a plug-in cartridge which used the same expansion port asgames. Port expander boxes were available to allow more thanone cartridge to be connected at a time.
RAM cartridges were available in several sizes: 3K, 8K, 16Kand 32K. The internal memory map was re-organised with theaddition of each size cartridge, leading to the situation thatsome programs would only work if the right amount of memorywas available. The 32K cartridges were all third-party andhad switches to allow the RAM to be enabled in sections sothat any expansion size could be achieved.
BASIC programs could use at most 24 KB of RAM. Any extraoccupied the location usually used by ROM cartridges(i.e. games). This allowed people to copy ROM cartridges totape and distribute them to their friends, who could load thetape into the top 8k of their 32k RAM packs.
The name "VIC" came from the Video Interface Chip that wasalso used in the other, later, Commodore 8-bit computers.