purified water


 [waht´er] 1. a clear, colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid, H2O.2. an aqueous solution of a medicinal substance; called also aromatic water.3. purified w.bound water water in the tissues of the body bound to macromolecules or organelles.distilled water water that has been purified by distillation.free water that portion of the water in body tissues which is not bound by macromolecules or organelles.water for injection water for parenteral use, prepared by distillation or reverse osmosis and meeting certain standards for sterility and clarity; it may be specified as sterile if it has been sterilized and as bacteriostatic if suitable antimicrobial agents have been added.purified water water obtained by either distillation or deionization; used when mineral-free water is required.

pu·ri·fied wa·ter

water obtained by distillation or deionization.

pu·ri·fied wa·ter

(pyūri-fīd wawtĕr) That water obtained by distillation or deionization.

pu·ri·fied wa·ter

(pyūri-fīd wawtĕr) Water obtained by distillation or deionization.