Acronym | Definition |
SIC➣Standard Industrial Classification |
SIC➣[not an acronym] Latin: thus; so (not a mistake and is to be read as it stands) |
SIC➣Silicon Carbide |
SIC➣School Improvement Council |
SIC➣Statement of Internal Control (UK) |
SIC➣Students in Construction (California) |
SIC➣Second In Command (aviation) |
SIC➣Sistema Interconectado Central (Spanish: Central Interconnected System; Chile) |
SIC➣Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (Colombia) |
SIC➣Sea Isle City (New Jersey) |
SIC➣Systèmes d'Information et de Commandement (French: Information Systems Command) |
SIC➣Smart Interface Card |
SIC➣Seat in Coach (tours & travels) |
SIC➣Successive Interference Cancellation |
SIC➣Senate Intelligence Committee |
SIC➣Sepang International Circuit (Malaysia) |
SIC➣Shimane International Center (Japan) |
SIC➣Sistema Informativo Comunale (Italian: Municipal Information System) |
SIC➣Sport Interuniversitaire Canadien (French: Canadian Interuniversity Sport; Canada) |
SIC➣Sistema Internacional de Cotizaciones (Spanish: International Quotation System; Mexico) |
SIC➣Shetland Islands Council |
SIC➣Standing Interpretations Committee (International Accounting Standards) |
SIC➣Simple Irc Client |
SIC➣Serial Interface Card |
SIC➣Standard Interface Controller |
SIC➣Software Integrated Circuit |
SIC➣Standard Industrial Code |
SIC➣Special Indicator Codes |
SIC➣Still Image Capture |
SIC➣Siti di Importanza Comunitaria |
SIC➣Self Interference Cancellation (wireless communications) |
SIC➣San Isidro Club (rugby; Argentina) |
SIC➣Swiss Interbank Clearing |
SIC➣Sudbury Igneous Complex (lopolith; Canada) |
SIC➣Site d'Importance Communautaire (French: Site of Community Importance; EU) |
SIC➣Supreme Islamic Council |
SIC➣State Investment Council |
SIC➣Science and Industry Council (UK) |
SIC➣Società Italiana di Chirurgia |
SIC➣Sister in Christ |
SIC➣Sociedade Independente de Comunicação (Portuguese TV Channel) |
SIC➣Shortfall Interest Charge (taxes; Australia) |
SIC➣Service Informatique Central (French) |
SIC➣Self-Interaction Correction |
SIC➣Studies in Informatics and Control |
SIC➣Società Italiana di Cardiologia |
SIC➣State Information Center |
SIC➣Sergeant in Charge |
SIC➣Spelling Is Correct |
SIC➣Science in Context |
SIC➣Standard Industry Codes |
SIC➣Sisters in Crime |
SIC➣Shareware Industry Conference |
SIC➣Sheffield International College (UK) |
SIC➣Siecor (optical cable) |
SIC➣Schengen Implementing Convention (Schengen, Luxembourg) |
SIC➣Silicon Integrated Circuit |
SIC➣Shielding Information Center (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) |
SIC➣Somewhere in Canada |
SIC➣Sea Ice Concentration |
SIC➣Serial Interface Chip (computer architecture) |
SIC➣Smart Interchange (expressway; Japan) |
SIC➣Systeme d'Information et de Communication |
SIC➣Scottsdale Insurance Company |
SIC➣Scientific Instrument Commission |
SIC➣State Investment Corporation |
SIC➣Silence Is Consent |
SIC➣Securities Information Center (Thompson Financial, Boston, MA) |
SIC➣Student Innovation Center (various schools) |
SIC➣Simple Interval Calculation |
SIC➣Semi-Interactive Console |
SIC➣Special Investigation Committee |
SIC➣Students for International Change (various locations) |
SIC➣Signal, Image, Communications |
SIC➣Silence Implies Consent |
SIC➣Soft Interference Cancellation |
SIC➣Student Involvement Center (various schools) |
SIC➣Société Internationale de Criminologie (French: International Society of Criminology) |
SIC➣Sudan Interior Church |
SIC➣Student Involvement Committee (various organizations) |
SIC➣Sceptre Investment Counsel (Canada) |
SIC➣Self Inspection Checklist |
SIC➣Student Issues Committee (various schools) |
SIC➣Subject Indicator Code |
SIC➣Semi-Intensive Course |
SIC➣Security Information Center (Deutsche Telekom, Darmstadt, Germany) |
SIC➣Serial Interference Cancellation |
SIC➣Stock Investment Club (various locations) |
SIC➣Shafston International College |
SIC➣Single Input Change |
SIC➣Systems Integration Center |
SIC➣Safety Inspection Checklist |
SIC➣System in A Cube |
SIC➣Stop Infant Circumcision |
SIC➣Salmon in the Classroom (University of Washington) |
SIC➣Sodankylä Ion Chemistry |
SIC➣Siculian (linguistics) |
SIC➣School Improvement Conference (various locations) |
SIC➣Supplementary Interest Charge |
SIC➣State Infrastructure Council (Florida) |
SIC➣Specific Inductive Capacity |
SIC➣Student Initiated Course |
SIC➣Student's Income Contribution (universities) |
SIC➣Subsea Installation Contract (petroleum industry) |
SIC➣Sicily/Sicilian |
SIC➣Standard Initial Charge (UK) |
SIC➣Subtractive Interference Cancellation |
SIC➣Spelling in Context (mnemonic for the Latin meaning 'thus so') |
SIC➣System Identification Code |
SIC➣See Inside Cover |
SIC➣Societe International de Chirurgie (French: International Society of Surgery) |
SIC➣Spacecraft Identification Code |
SIC➣Special Interest Code |
SIC➣Systemes Integres Cognitifs (French: Integrative Cognitive Systems) |
SIC➣Self-Intermittent Catheterization |
SIC➣Special Interest Community |
SIC➣Sanctuary in Chaos (gaming) |
SIC➣Support Identification Code |
SIC➣Smoke in Cabin (aviation) |
SIC➣Semantic Integrity Constraints (Telcordia) |
SIC➣System Integration Contractor |
SIC➣Spatial Information Clearinghouse |
SIC➣Structured Intellectual Capital |
SIC➣Survival Instructor Course |
SIC➣Structural Integrity Checking |
SIC➣Special Issues Committee |
SIC➣Serial Interrupt Controller |
SIC➣Survey Information Center |
SIC➣Standard Interface Connector |
SIC➣Stochastic Inventory Control (supply chain management) |
SIC➣Semaine Internationale du Cerveau (French) |
SIC➣Safety Interlock Circuit |
SIC➣Supporto Informatico Campus |
SIC➣Segundo Informação Recolhida |
SIC➣Student Information Commission |
SIC➣Sprint Internet Center |
SIC➣Simple Instance Creator |
SIC➣Structural Influence Coefficient |
SIC➣Station Information Computer |
SIC➣Special Intelligence Correlator (segment) |
SIC➣Suspected Irregular Conduct |
SIC➣Systèmes d'Information et Conception (French) |
SIC➣System Integrity Control |
SIC➣Saudi Innovation Conference |
SIC➣Service Interface Card |
SIC➣Syrian Information Center (website) |
SIC➣Single Integrated Concept |
SIC➣Snapshot and Incremental Capture (storage technique) |
SIC➣Super Intelligence Corps |
SIC➣Sympathetic Interpreter of Commands |
SIC➣Subject Identifier Code |
SIC➣Strong Interference Channel |
SIC➣Specialty and Intermediary Chemical |
SIC➣Sonar Information Center |
SIC➣Strategic Integration Council |
SIC➣Skaters in Chucks (skateboard crew; Atlanta, GA) |
SIC➣Systems Internal Communication |
SIC➣Subscriber Interface Controller |