

Scalable POWERparallel 2.

A line of RISC-based processors from IBM using symmetric multi-processing. SP/2 replaced SP/1.

The SP2 is a classical MPP design, based on a Shared Nothing architecture. The SP2 is an example of theDistributed Memory Processor (DMP) parallel model, withindividual nodes interconnected over a LAN, or aHigh-Performance Switch (HPS). SP2 systems can have from 2 to512 nodes. Each node is a RISC system/6000 running IBM'sAIX operating system.

The SP2 supports applications in both technical and commercialenvironments. In terms of commercial applications, the SP2 istypically being used in support of, MIS/DSS includingdata mining, business applications e.g. SAP, Alternative Mainframe/Mainframe Offload, LAN Server Consolidation.