Acronym | Definition |
SPA➣Spanish (language) |
SPA➣Società Per Azioni (Italian: shared company) |
SPA➣Software Publishers Association (now SIIA) |
SPA➣Single Point of Access (AT&T) |
SPA➣School of Public Affairs (American University, Washington, DC) |
SPA➣Special Protocol Assessment |
SPA➣Saudi Press Agency |
SPA➣Spedizione in Abbonamento (Italian: Shipping Subscription) |
SPA➣School for the Performing Arts (various locations) |
SPA➣Spondyloarthritis (rheumatic disease) |
SPA➣Strategic Planning and Accountability |
SPA➣Secure Password Authentication |
SPA➣Sony Pictures Animation (Sony Pictures Entertainment) |
SPA➣Site Plan Approval (building permits) |
SPA➣Senior Program Assistant (various organizations) |
SPA➣State Pension Age (UK) |
SPA➣Strategic Partnership for Africa (est. 1987) |
SPA➣School of Physics and Astronomy (various locations) |
SPA➣Site Plan Amendment (zoning) |
SPA➣Special Protection Area |
SPA➣Switching Power Amplifier |
SPA➣Sanus Per Aquam (Latin: health through water) |
SPA➣Service Planning Area (various locations) |
SPA➣Société Protectrice des Animaux (French: Protective Company of Animals) |
SPA➣Specific Plan Amendment (various locations) |
SPA➣Share Purchase Agreement |
SPA➣Stock Purchase Agreement |
SPA➣Special Powers Act |
SPA➣Society of St. Peter the Apostle (various locations) |
SPA➣Simple Photo Album (software) |
SPA➣Speech Pathology and Audiology (various schools) |
SPA➣Serial Port Adapter |
SPA➣Social Policy Agenda (EU) |
SPA➣Smart Process Application (workflow software) |
SPA➣Strategic Public Affairs |
SPA➣Seven Party Alliance (Nepal) |
SPA➣Systems and Procedures Association |
SPA➣Secure Perimeter Architecture |
SPA➣Saab Parking Assistance |
SPA➣System Physical Address |
SPA➣Secure Print Advantage |
SPA➣Software Publishers Association |
SPA➣Scratchpad Area |
SPA➣Service Processor Accessory |
SPA➣Sql Performance Analyzer |
SPA➣Shared Port Adapter |
SPA➣Sigma Phi Alpha |
SPA➣Snap Preview Anywhere (software feature) |
SPA➣Society for Popular Astronomy (Keyworth, Nottingham, UK) |
SPA➣Special Power of Attorney |
SPA➣School of Planning and Architecture (India) |
SPA➣Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (Portugal) |
SPA➣Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores |
SPA➣Scottsdale Public Art (Arizona) |
SPA➣State Psychological Association (various locations) |
SPA➣Seed Production Area (plant conservation) |
SPA➣Scintillation Proximity Assay |
SPA➣San Pasqual Academy (California) |
SPA➣Supreme People's Assembly (North Korea) |
SPA➣Stochastic Process Algebra |
SPA➣Single Pitch Award (rock climbing) |
SPA➣Socialistische Partij Anders (Dutch Socialist Party) |
SPA➣Sales and Purchase Agreement |
SPA➣Speed, Power and Agility (athletics) |
SPA➣Sponsored Programs Administration |
SPA➣Socialist Party of America (1901-1972) |
SPA➣Securities Purchase Agreement (legal) |
SPA➣Sponsored Projects Accounting (various schools) |
SPA➣Spesialis Anak (Indonesian: Child Specialist; medical specialty) |
SPA➣Single Parent Adoption |
SPA➣Senior Policy Advisor |
SPA➣Seaplane Pilots Association |
SPA➣Society for Pediatric Anesthesia |
SPA➣Server Performance Advisor (Microsoft) |
SPA➣Single Packet Authorization |
SPA➣Society for Public Administration |
SPA➣Sperm Penetration Assay |
SPA➣Solution Provider Agreement |
SPA➣State Purchasing Agent (various locations) |
SPA➣Serviço de Psicologia Aplicada (Portuguese: Department of Applied Psychology; Brazil) |
SPA➣Services Program Area (Joint WMO/IOC Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology work plan) |
SPA➣Standardized Performance Analysis (stock breeding) |
SPA➣Single Photon Absorptiometry (bond density test, measures the wrist) |
SPA➣Structured Products Association (trade group) |
SPA➣Simple Power Analysis |
SPA➣Social Policy Association (UK) |
SPA➣Supporting Professional Activity |
SPA➣Special Planning Area (planning and development) |
SPA➣South Pole-Aitken (Basin) |
SPA➣Society for Personality Assessment |
SPA➣Sindicato de Periodistas de Andalucía (Spanish: Union of Journalists of Andalusia; Spain) |
SPA➣Specially Protected Area (under Antarctic Treaty) |
SPA➣Standard de Pouvoir d'Achat (French: Standard Purchasing Power) |
SPA➣Saab Parking Assistance (Saab) |
SPA➣Software Process Assessment |
SPA➣Supporting Professionalism in Admissions (UK education) |
SPA➣Screen Printing Association (UK) |
SPA➣Service Provider Application |
SPA➣Service Provider Access |
SPA➣State Partnership Agreement (teaching) |
SPA➣Self Propelled Artillery |
SPA➣Scottish Public Authority (UK) |
SPA➣Service Provider Administrator (computing) |
SPA➣Security Police Association |
SPA➣Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. |
SPA➣Specialty Professional Association (education) |
SPA➣Software Piracy Association |
SPA➣Sociaal Progressief Alternatief (Dutch: Social Progressive Alternative) |
SPA➣Springfield Parking Authority (Springfield, MA) |
SPA➣single page application (web pages) |
SPA➣Sample Probe Assembly (Conax) |
SPA➣Special Prorate Agreement (airlines fares agreement) |
SPA➣Space Physics and Aeronomy |
SPA➣Suprapubic Aspiration (urine collection method) |
SPA➣Suffolk Police Authority (UK) |
SPA➣Steering Position Amplier (US NASA) |
SPA➣Service Provision Assessment |
SPA➣Socialist Party of Albania |
SPA➣Sod Producers Association (various locations) |
SPA➣Signal Processor Assembly (US NASA) |
SPA➣Security Posture Assessment |
SPA➣Small Project Assistance (USAID) |
SPA➣Sum-Product Algorithm |
SPA➣Saint Paul Academy |
SPA➣Service Public Administratif (French: Public Service Administration) |
SPA➣Socrates Plato Aristotle (mnemonic for ancient philosophers) |
SPA➣Sheep Pulmonary Adenomatosis |
SPA➣State Program Approval |
SPA➣Surinaamse Partij van de Arbeid (Suriname Labor Party) |
SPA➣Student Peace Alliance (Washington, DC) |
SPA➣Smart Pixel Array |
SPA➣Space Processing Application (US NASA) |
SPA➣Solar Panel Assembly |
SPA➣Sociological Practice Association |
SPA➣Special Purpose Aircraft |
SPA➣Patriotic Movement of Sint Maarten (Netherlands Antilles) |
SPA➣Software Product Assurance |
SPA➣Systems & Process Assurance (PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP) |
SPA➣Society of Publishing Arts (Japan) |
SPA➣Softball Players Association |
SPA➣Separation Party of Alberta (political group; Canada) |
SPA➣Society of Professional Accountants |
SPA➣Sanum Per Aqua (Latin: Health Through Water) |
SPA➣Simplified Purchase Agreement |
SPA➣System Performance Assessment |
SPA➣Special Purpose Adapter |
SPA➣Source Prescription Audit |
SPA➣Small Payload Accommodation (US NASA) |
SPA➣Specialist, Physical Training Instructor (US Navy) |
SPA➣Society of Philatelic Americans |
SPA➣Salt Poor Albumin |
SPA➣Sanctuary Preservation Area |
SPA➣Single Purpose Account (Wikimedia Foundation) |
SPA➣Shared Port Adaptor (Cisco) |
SPA➣Single Project Assurances |
SPA➣Safe Plan of Action (UK) |
SPA➣Security Process Algebra |
SPA➣Spent Fuel Disposal Performance Assessment Project |
SPA➣Single Purpose Application |
SPA➣Student Progress and Achievement |
SPA➣Single Point Accountability |
SPA➣Summary Proceedings Act (New Zealand) |
SPA➣Saddlepoint Approximation |
SPA➣Strategic Planning Application |
SPA➣Special Post Allowance |
SPA➣Sport Psychology Academy |
SPA➣Square Processor Array (image processing) |
SPA➣Servo Power Amplifier |
SPA➣Sfonda una Porta Aperta |
SPA➣Salmon Planning Act |
SPA➣Summit Pathology Associates (Akron, OH) |
SPA➣Sexiest Person Alive |
SPA➣School-Based Practical Assessment |
SPA➣Saludis Per Aqua (Latin: Health Through Water) |
SPA➣Safe Passages to Adulthood |
SPA➣Sales Plan Accelerator (Centive) |
SPA➣Submarine Patrol Area |
SPA➣Single Power Analysis (cryptographic attack) |
SPA➣Strategic Planning Assumption (various organizations) |
SPA➣Special Pricing Agreement |
SPA➣Special Programme on AIDS (now Global Programme on AIDS) |
SPA➣Service Package Application |
SPA➣System Programmer Analyst |
SPA➣Soft Physical Address |
SPA➣Society for Personnel Administration |
SPA➣Special Project Assignments |
SPA➣Sierra Pacific Tours |
SPA➣Secure Platform Architecture (HP-Compaq) |
SPA➣Solas Per Aqua (Latin: Health by Water) |
SPA➣Single Point Administration |
SPA➣Statistical Planning Area (Ohio) |
SPA➣Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements and Applications (conference) |
SPA➣Protocol Address of the Sender |
SPA➣Senior Police Advisor |
SPA➣Special Purchase Allowance |
SPA➣Students for Political Action (Ontario, Canada) |
SPA➣Specification Preparing Activity |
SPA➣Spies Per Acre (online strategy gaming) |
SPA➣Strike Planning Archive |
SPA➣Strategic Psychological Activities |
SPA➣Specific Poll Address (SS7) |
SPA➣Suspended Plate Antenna |
SPA➣Switched Parasitic Array |
SPA➣Special Purpose Access |
SPA➣Strategic & Policy Assessment |
SPA➣Social Progressive Alternative Party (Belgium) |
SPA➣Square Patch Antenna |
SPA➣Service de Parrainage Actif (French: Active Referral Service; Wikipedia contributor project) |
SPA➣Software Product Assessment |
SPA➣Sprint Provided Access |
SPA➣Séquence Potentiellement Acquisitionnelle (French: Acquisitional Potential Sequence; linguistics) |
SPA➣Standard Peak Area (gas chromatography) |
SPA➣Special Project Authorization |
SPA➣Sampling Probe Algorithm |
SPA➣Spaces Per Aircraft |
SPA➣Sensor Performance Analysis |
SPA➣SQL (Structured Query Language) Performance Analyzer (databases) |
SPA➣Small Payload Attachment |
SPA➣Search, Predict, Act (defensive driving) |
SPA➣Scalable Processing Architecture |
SPA➣Subsystem Performance Assessment |
SPA➣Successive Parallel Arbitrated (decision feedback mechanism) |
SPA➣Security Plan Assistant |
SPA➣Shekijah Preparation Assembly (interdenominational church in Lynchburg, VA) |
SPA➣Strategic Posture Analysis |
SPA➣SCSI Peripheral Adapter |
SPA➣Scanner Power Assembly |
SPA➣SOSUS Probability Area |
SPA➣Service Performance Assurance |
SPA➣Stochastic Prosesses and their Applications (peer reviewed journal) |
SPA➣Synthetic Parallel Application |
SPA➣Selectable Power Adapter |
SPA➣Standard Plate Agar |
SPA➣Signaling Point Adapter |
SPA➣Surface Preprocessing Assembly |
SPA➣Syndicated Program Analysis |
SPA➣Shanghai Prison Administration |
SPA➣Single Person Accountability |
SPA➣Single Piece Anode |
SPA➣Sectored Phased Array Antenna |
SPA➣Skill Performance Aid |
SPA➣Systemic Peacebuilding Assessment |
SPA➣Signaling Point Adjunct |
SPA➣Seafood Products Association (Seattle, WA) |
SPA➣Special Price Approval |
SPA➣Specific Power Absorption |