Purkinje cell layer

Pur·kin·je cell lay·er

(pŭr-kin'jē), the layer of large neuron cell bodies located at the interface of molecular and granular layers in the cerebellar cortex; dendrites of these cells fan outward into the molecular layer in a plane transverse to the folium and axons enter the white matter. Synonym(s): stratum purkinjense cortex cerebelli [TA], ganglionic layer of cerebellar cortex, layer of piriform neurons, Purkinje cells, Purkinje corpuscles

Pur·kin·je cell lay·er

(pŭr-kin'jē sel lā'yĕr) The layer of large neuron cell bodies located at the interface of molecular and granular layers in the cerebellar cortex; dendrites of these cells fan outward into the molecular layer in a plane transverse to the folium.
Synonym(s): Purkinje cells, Purkinje corpuscles.