

单词 purkinje fiber

Purkinje fiber

Purkinje fiber

n. One of the specialized cardiac muscle fibers, part of the impulse-conducting network of the heart, that rapidly transmit impulses from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles.
[After Johannes Evangelista von Purkinje (1787-1869), Bohemian physiologist.]

Purkin′je fi`ber

n. any of a network of impulse-conducting muscle fibers in the walls of the ventricles of the heart. [after Jan Evangelista Purkinje (Czech Purkyně) (1787–1869), Czech physiologist, who discovered the fibers in 1839]
Noun1.Purkinje fiber - a specialized cardiac muscle fiber that is part of the Purkinje networkcardiac muscle, heart muscle - the muscle tissue of the heart; adapted to continued rhythmic contractionPurkinje network, Purkinje's system, Purkinje's tissue - a network of Purkinje fibers that carry the cardiac impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles of the heart and causes them to contract

Purkinje Fiber

Purkinje Fiber


a cellular element found in the conduction system of ventricular myocardium; described in 1845 by J. E. Purkinje. Purkinje fibers are particularly large in ruminants. They have been studied mainly in mammals but appear to exist in other vertebrates as well. Although they are of muscular origin, Purkinje fibers have largely lost their contractile function and have become specialized in the conduction of excitation to contractile elements of the myocardium; this accounts for their meager number of myofibrils. Purkinje fibers are usually thicker than the contractile fibers of the myocardium and are rich in mitochondria and glycogen.

Purkinje fiber

Purkinje fiber

n. One of the specialized cardiac muscle fibers, part of the impulse-conducting network of the heart, that rapidly transmit impulses from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles.

Purkinje fiber

A cardiac muscle cell beneath the endocardium of the ventricles of the heart. These extend from the bundle branches to the ventricular myocardium and form the last part of the cardiac conduction system. See also: Purkinje, Johannes E. von

Purkinje fiber

  • noun

Words related to Purkinje fiber

noun a specialized cardiac muscle fiber that is part of the Purkinje network

Related Words

  • cardiac muscle
  • heart muscle
  • Purkinje network
  • Purkinje's system
  • Purkinje's tissue




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