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DictionarySeePurkinje shiftEncyclopediaSeePurkinje effectPurkinje phenomenon
Pur·kin·je phe·nom·e·non (pŭr-kin'jē), in the light-adapted eye, the region of maximal brightness is in the yellow; in the dark-adapted eye, the region of maximal brightness is in the green. Synonym(s): Purkinje effect, Purkinje shiftPur·kin·je phe·nom·e·non (pĕr-kin'jē fĕ-nom'ĕ-non) In the light-adapted eye, the region of maximal brightness is in the yellow; in the dark-adapted eye, the region of maximal brightness is in the green. Purkinje phenomenonThe adjustment of the pupil of the eye to light intensity. When the eye adapts from light to dark conditions, the maximum pupillary movement is caused by green instead of yellow light. Synonym: pupillomotor reflexSee also: Purkinje, Johannes E. vonPurkinje, Johannes E. von (Jan E. Purkyne), Bohemian anatomist and physiologist, 1787-1869. Purkinje afterimage - Synonym(s): Bidwell ghostPurkinje cells - large nerve cells of the cerebellar cortex with a piriform cell body and dendrites arranged in a plane transverse to the folium. Synonym(s): Purkinje corpusclesPurkinje conduction - conduction of the cardiac impulse through the Purkinje system.Purkinje corpuscles - Synonym(s): Purkinje cellsPurkinje effect - Synonym(s): Purkinje phenomenonPurkinje fibers - interlacing fibers formed of modified cardiac muscle cells that are the terminal ramifications of the conducting system of the heart found beneath the endocardium of the ventricles.Purkinje figures - shadows of the retinal vessels seen as dark lines on a reddish field when a light enters the eye through the sclera and not the pupil.Purkinje image trackerPurkinje images - Synonym(s): Purkinje-Sanson imagesPurkinje layer - the layer of Purkinje cells between the molecular and granular layers of the cerebellar cortex. Synonym(s): piriform neuron layerPurkinje network - the network formed by Purkinje fibers beneath the endocardium.Purkinje phenomenon - in the light-adapted eye, the region of maximal brightness is in the yellow; in the dark-adapted eye, the region of maximal brightness is in the green. Synonym(s): Purkinje effect; Purkinje shiftPurkinje shift - Synonym(s): Purkinje phenomenonPurkinje system - terminal ramifications in the ventricles of the specialized conducting system of the heart.Purkinje-Sanson images - the two images formed by the anterior and posterior surfaces of the cornea, and the two images formed by the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lens. Synonym(s): catatropic images; Purkinje images; Sanson images |