释义 |
stomatorrhagia stomatorrhagia [sto″mah-to-ra´jah] hemorrhage from the mouth.sto·ma·tor·rha·gi·a (stō'mă-tō-rā'jē-ă), Bleeding from the gums or other part of the oral cavity. [stomato- + G. rhēgnymi, to burst forth] sto·ma·tor·rha·gi·a (stō'mă-tōr-ā'jē-ă) Bleeding from the gums or other part of the oral cavity. [stomato- + G. rhēgnymi, to burst forth]sto·ma·tor·rha·gi·a (stō'mă-tōr-ā'jē-ă) Bleeding from gums or another part of the oral cavity. [stomato- + G. rhēgnymi, to burst forth] |