Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic

Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic


the highest scientific institution of the Moldavian SSR. Founded in 1961 on the basis of the Moldavian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Located at Kishinev. The membership of the academy in 1968 included 14 academicians and 12 corresponding members. The president since 1961 has been Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Ia. S. Grosul.

The academy incorporates three divisions and nine scientific research institutes: the division of physics and engineering and mathematical sciences, including the scientific research institutes of mathematics and the computing center, applied physics and geophysics and geology; the division of biological and chemical sciences, including the scientific research institutes of chemistry, zoology, and plant physiology and biochemistry; and the division of social sciences, including the scientific research institutes of history, language and literature, and economics. The academy also has other scientific research institutions—such as departments of power cybernetics, microbiology, paleontology and stratigraphy, and geography—and a botanical garden. Its central scientific library had 550,000 items in 1968.

The leading research trends include the range of problems related to increasing agricultural crop yield and improving animal husbandry and “chemization,” or large-scale application of chemical processes to agriculture; chemistry of biologically active substances; semiconductor physics; application of electric fields and electric discharges in various branches of industry; chemistry of complex compounds; economy of the republic; and the history, literature, and language of the Moldavian people. The academy publishes Izvestiia (in Russian and in Moldavian, since 1962), the periodical Elektronnaia obrabotka materialov (Electronic Processing of Materials, since 1965), Moldavskii iazyk i literatura (Moldavian language and literature, in Moldavian, since 1958), and others, and is preparing the Moldavian Soviet Encyclopedia for publication.


Pervaia nauchnaia sessiia AN Moldavskoi SSR (lectures). Kishinev, 1962.
Grosul, Ia. S. “Razvitie nauki v Moldavskoi SSR.” Istoriia SSSR, 1967, no. 5.