Space Crew Rescue System
Space Crew Rescue System
an on-board system for the rescue of a spaceship crew in the event of an emergency situation in the carrier rocket. Rescue of the crew in an emergency during the launch or the initial stage of a flight is possible by ejection, with subsequent descent by parachute, or by emergency separation of the descent stage of the spaceship and its removal to a safe distance from the launch vehicle by means of a special solid fuel rocket engine. After this, the landing of the cabin with the crew is accomplished by parachute (this sort of system was used on the Mercury, the Apollo, and other ships). In the event of emergencies at great altitudes, rescue of the crew is possible by separation of the descent stage, or the entire spaceship, from the launch vehicle, with subsequent flight along the descent trajectory and braking in the atmosphere. Space crew rescue systems must include sensors that will signal the appearance of an emergency situation, electronic units for developing the necessary commands, and a number of executive devices that will function in emergency situations (for example, ejection devices or special rocket engines).