transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt

transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS),

angiographic procedure performed under fluoroscopic guidance wherein a wire mesh stent is placed within the liver to decompress the portal circulation directly into the hepatic vein. Indications for placement include variceal bleeding and refractory ascites in patients with cirrhosis.

trans·jug·u·lar in·tra·he·pat·ic por·to·sys·tem·ic shunt

(TIPS) (tranz-jŭg'yū-lăr in'tră-hĕ-pat'ik pōr'tō-sis-tem'ik shŭnt) An interventional radiology procedure to relieve portal hypertension.

Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)

A transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) is a radiology procedure in which a tubular device is inserted in the middle of the liver to redirect the blood flow.Mentioned in: Bleeding Varices

Patient discussion about transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt

Q. Any tips for coping with fibromyalgia? A. I agree with the fact getting a better understanding helps but for me coping is finding support, someone you can talk to that is understanding. Accepting the fact you have can't do all the things you use to in the same way. REST...nap durning the day if possible so many people say this interfers with your sleep at night BUT for 2 years I wouldn't lie down and rest b/c I slept so poorly at night latey I have found resting if even 30 minutes helps me make it through my day. My medications help so talk to your doctor and I also if I can't nap durning the day sit and read to give my body a break b/c somedays it is so hard to move! 20 minute walks, warm baths, and herbal tea to help me relax and try to get as much sleep as possible at night. Hope this helps and Good Luck!

Q. Could any of you give me some tips? hi……..after my breast cancer surgery, I was given Arimidex, which I used for 5 months and I found my bones getting weak. I was not able to stand and it was a shock that I am diagnosed with osteoporosis now…. Still I am not out from the pain of cancer and now this…..what’s happening to me ….Could any of you give me some tips?A. "A lack of estrogen in post-menopausal women prevents the absorption and utilization of calcium and is the single most important factor in the development of osteoporosis in older women."
"Let's Live" magazine (February 1989), Dr. David Steenblock
and because Arimidex lowering the estrogen level even more- it has even bigger effect. so you developed osteoporosis.

Q. Are there any tips for my son with ADHD. My 8 years old son is with ADHD and it is hectic to make him study or carry out the assignments. At times I used to feel why should he study? He finds it difficult to study. He always takes shelter under nonstop excuses almost typed in his mind and I have tried to convince him with chocolates and pizzas but that cannot be the permanent solution to his problem. Are there any tips for my son with ADHD.A. you could try special services that provide individualized education programs in public schools. it is given free of charge (if he is found eligible...). here is a link talking about those program:

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