Acronym | Definition |
PITL➣Push It to The Limit |
PITL➣Programming in the Large |
PITL➣Personal Income Tax Law |
PITL➣Propositional Interval Temporal Logic |
PITL➣Pilot in the Loop |
PITL➣public interest through litigation |
PITL➣Pacific Island Transport Line |
PITL➣Past Inquirer Test List |
PITL➣photo-induced intrinsic thermoluminescence |
PITL➣Persaudaraan Insan Tani Lampung |
PITL➣Person in the Loop |
PITL➣Program for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning |
PITL➣Plug in to Learning |
PITL➣Post-Irradiation Testing Laboratory |
PITL➣Partnerships in Teaching and Learning |