Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge

Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:1624 Hood-Franklin Rd
Elk Grove, CA 95758

Established: 1994.
Location:10 miles south of Sacramento, California, off I-5, Hood-Franklin exit.
Facilities:Visitor contact station, nature trail and viewing platform (é).
Activities:Hiking, education programs.
Special Features:Refuge is situated near a large, urban area at the north end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta. The delta attracts thousands of migrating waterfowl, shorebirds, and other water birds.
Habitats: More than 4,000 acres of seasonal and permanent wetlands, riparian forest, grasslands, and fresh water lakes.
Access: Open one or two weekends per month and for special events. Contact refuge office for schedule.
Wild life: Migratory waterbirds and nesting colony birds including double-crested cormorants, great-blue herons, and great egrets. Also several endangered, threatened and special-status species, including valley elderberry longhorn beetle, giant garter snake, vernal pool tadpole, fairy shrimps, Sacramento splittail, western pond turtle, and American peregrine falcon.

See other parks in California.