Acronym | Definition |
SID➣Semel in Die (Latin: Once A Day) |
SID➣Society for Information Display |
SID➣Sports Information Director |
SID➣Security Identifier |
SID➣Special Improvement District |
SID➣Society for International Development |
SID➣Safer Internet Day (Insafe) |
SID➣Shared Information & Data (model) |
SID➣Society for Investigative Dermatology |
SID➣Sudden Infant Death |
SID➣Software in Development (various organizations) |
SID➣Stitch in the Ditch (quilts) |
SID➣Ship in Distress |
SID➣System Identifier |
SID➣Sensory Integration Disorder |
SID➣Sensory Integration Dysfunction |
SID➣System Insight Display (Hewlett Packard) |
SID➣Sound Improvement Disc (acoustics) |
SID➣Standard Instrument Departure |
SID➣Shared Information and Data |
SID➣Serial Input Data |
SID➣Sender Id |
SID➣Society for Information Displays |
SID➣Safer Internet Day |
SID➣Session Id |
SID➣Sales Terminal Identifier |
SID➣System Id |
SID➣Service Id |
SID➣Source Identification |
SID➣Solid Ink Density |
SID➣Subsystem Identification |
SID➣Signaling Identifier |
SID➣Sequence Id |
SID➣Security Id |
SID➣Sonic Interaction Design |
SID➣SecurID |
SID➣Session Identifier |
SID➣Source ID |
SID➣Senior Independent Director (various organizations) |
SID➣Sound Interface Device |
SID➣Specialarbejderforbundet I Danmark (Denmark) |
SID➣Student Identification Number |
SID➣Service Identifier |
SID➣Scientific Investigation Division (law enforcement; various locations) |
SID➣Station Identification |
SID➣Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance |
SID➣State Identification Number |
SID➣Saab Information Display |
SID➣Subscriber Identification |
SID➣Source-to-Image Distance (radiology) |
SID➣Station Identifier |
SID➣Side Impact Dummy (auto crash testing) |
SID➣Situation Display |
SID➣Special Investigation Division |
SID➣Strong Ion Difference (medical interpretation of complex acid base problems) |
SID➣Surface-Induced Dissociation (mass spectrometry) |
SID➣State Inpatient Database |
SID➣Social Intelligence Design |
SID➣Silence Insertion Descriptor |
SID➣Specimen Image Database (biodiversity research) |
SID➣Severely Intellectually Disabled |
SID➣Safety in Design |
SID➣Systems Integration Division |
SID➣Shuttle Integration Device (US NASA) |
SID➣Security in Depth |
SID➣Supplier Information Database |
SID➣Special Investigation Department (Thailand) |
SID➣Sociedad Internacional para el Desarrollo (Spanish) |
SID➣Symbolic Interactive Debugger |
SID➣Singular Indestructible Droid (song) |
SID➣Silicon Ice Development (video game developer) |
SID➣Spatially Immersive Display |
SID➣Seed Industry Development (various locations) |
SID➣Sanitary Improvement District |
SID➣Secondary Imagery Dissemination |
SID➣Strategies for International Development (Arlington, VA) |
SID➣Société Internationale pour le Développement (French) |
SID➣Special Energy Improvement District (Ohio) |
SID➣System Interface Document |
SID➣Sal, Cape Verde - Amilcar Cabral International (Airport Code) |
SID➣Systemic Inflammatory Disease |
SID➣Système d'information Douanier (French: Customs Information System) |
SID➣Swift Interface Device |
SID➣Sadistic, Intelligent, Dangerous |
SID➣Street Improvement District |
SID➣Société Industrielle de Diffusion (French: Industrial Distribution Company) |
SID➣Structure Identifier |
SID➣Spectral Information Divergence |
SID➣Slew Induced Distortion |
SID➣Sidetic (linguistics) |
SID➣Ship Installation Drawing |
SID➣Structural Interior Design (US Army Corps of Engineers) |
SID➣Switch Identifier |
SID➣Substitution, Insertion, Deletion |
SID➣Satellite Identifier |
SID➣Serial Interface Device |
SID➣Standard Interface Document |
SID➣Scheduled Implementation Date |
SID➣System Interface Description |
SID➣Send Identifier |
SID➣Services Innovants pour Personnes Dépendantes (French: Innovative Services for Dependent Persons) |
SID➣Sodium Ionization Detector |
SID➣Software Independent Data |
SID➣Source Image Distances |
SID➣Sequence Information Data |
SID➣Standard Information Display |
SID➣System Identifier for the Database Instance (Oracle) |
SID➣Subsea Intervention Device |
SID➣Standard Integrated Desktop |
SID➣Satellite Infiltration Drone (Knight Rider TV show) |
SID➣Supplementary Irish Draught (horse breed) |
SID➣Security Investigation Division |
SID➣Skin Irritant Decontaminant |
SID➣Service Industries Division |
SID➣System Interface Diagram |
SID➣Sequence Interaction Diagram |
SID➣Service Information Dataset |
SID➣Silent Indicator Description |
SID➣Strategic Intelligence Digests |
SID➣Security Investigations Division (Armed Forces Retirement Home) |
SID➣Shuffled Iterative Decoding |
SID➣Seismic Intrusion Detector/Device |
SID➣Solomon Island Dollar (national currency) |
SID➣Strip Interior Diffraction |
SID➣Satisfactory Implementation of Design |
SID➣Stammdaten Identifikationsnummer (German) |
SID➣System Information Directory |
SID➣Strip of Initial Definition |
SID➣Systems Inventory Database |