anterovertical partial laryngectomy

anterovertical partial laryngectomy

A type of hemilaryngectomy that resects the anterior commissure, which generally requires partial resection of the contralateral vocal cord. Anterolateral-vertical partial laryngectomy is a larger resection that includes the anterior commissure, ipsilateral vocal cord and underlying cartilage; both of these procedures are designed to remove cancer while maintaining the three primary functions of the larynx: breathing, swallowing and phonating.
While both procedures are theoretically limited by preservation of the cricoid inferiorly, advanced reconstructive techniques may allow extension beyond traditional resection limits, while maintaining laryngeal function (e.g., a functional subglottic airway may be maintained) after resecting half the cricoid cartilage, if reconstruction is effected through long-term stenting or free tissue transfer with microvascular surgery.