Vladimir Debogorii-Mokrievich
Debogorii-Mokrievich, Vladimir Karpovich
Born May 12 (24), 1848, in Chernigov; died Nov. 2, 1926, in Chirpan, Bulgaria. Russian revolutionary and Narodnik (Populist).
A member of the nobility, Debogorii-Mokrievich entered the University of Kiev in 1866, but he did not complete his studies. In the spring of 1873 he went to Switzerland, and in Zurich he became closely associated with Bakunin’s followers. He returned to Russia in the autumn of 1873. From 1873 to 1874 he “went among the people” in the provinces of Kiev and Podol’e. In Kiev, Debogorii-Mokrievich participated in the organization of a “circle of rebels” and in the so-called Chernigov conspiracy in 1877. From 1877 to 1878 he helped to organize the prison escape of the Narodniks Ia. V. Stefanovich, L. G. Deutsch, and I. V. Bokhanovskii, and he circulated leaflets in Kiev.
Debogorii-Mokrievich was arrested on Feb. 11, 1879, and sentenced to 15 years of penal labor in Siberia. He escaped in November 1879 and went abroad in May 1881. From 1887 to 1889 he took part in publishing the newspaper Samoupravlenie in Switzerland, and from 1888 to 1889 he helped to issue the journal Svobodnaia Rossiia. Debogorii-Mokrievich wrote memoirs.
Itenberg, B. S. Dvizhenie revoliutsionnogo narodnichestva. Moscow, 1965.Volk, S. S. Narodnaia Volia, 1879-1882. Moscow-Leningrad, 1966.