TEBCTotally Enclosed Blower Cooled
TEBCThe eBook Community
TEBCTaipei Export-Import Bank of China
TEBCTown East Baptist Church
TEBCTechnology Education Biotechnology Curriculum
TEBCThe Entrance Bowling Club
TEBCTexas Business and Education Coalition
TEBCTime, Ephemeris, and Barycenter Correction
TEBCTest and Evaluation Basic Course (US Army)
TEBCTight End By Committee
TEBCTelecommunications Equipment Bonding Conductor
TEBCThe Engineer Brothers Company
TEBCThursday Evening Bible Class
TEBCTrademark Electronic Business Center
TEBCTexas Electronic Business Center
TEBCThanet Enterprise and Business Centre (UK)
TEBCTourist Environmental Bearing Capacity
TEBCTechnology Enabled Business Council
TEBCTannert eBusiness Consulting (Stuttgart, Germany)
TEBCThermo-Electric Battery Charger
TEBCTaff Ely Borough Council (UK)