Acronym | Definition |
VSM➣Value Stream Mapping (manufacturing process evaluation technique) |
VSM➣Value Stream Management |
VSM➣Vintage Sewing Machine |
VSM➣Virtual Sound Matrix |
VSM➣Video Self-Modeling (behavior) |
VSM➣Value Stream Mapping |
VSM➣Virtual System Module |
VSM➣Variance Shadow Maps |
VSM➣Video Status Memory |
VSM➣Veritas Storage Migrator |
VSM➣Visual Studio Macros |
VSM➣Virtual Support Module |
VSM➣Virtual Switch Manager |
VSM➣Variable Strategy Model |
VSM➣Virtual System Model |
VSM➣Viking Sewing Machines (Huskvarna, Sweden) |
VSM➣Visual State Manager (software) |
VSM➣Visual Studio Magazine |
VSM➣Virtual String Machine (audio software) |
VSM➣Vibrating Sample Magnetometer |
VSM➣Vascular Smooth Muscle |
VSM➣Vietnam Service Medal |
VSM➣Very Senior Manager (various organizations) |
VSM➣Vector Space Model (mathematics) |
VSM➣Vital Signs Monitor |
VSM➣Viable Systems Model |
VSM➣Vishisht Seva Medal |
VSM➣Virtual Shared Memory |
VSM➣Virtual Storage Management |
VSM➣Volunteer Service Medal (award) |
VSM➣Velocity Scan Modulation |
VSM➣Verein Schweizerischer Maschinen-Industrieller (Swiss Association of Machinery Manufacturers) |
VSM➣Volatile Substance Misuse (Australia) |
VSM➣Visual System Management |
VSM➣Virtual Space Museum |
VSM➣Vertical Support Member |
VSM➣Virtual Stock Market |
VSM➣Vehicle Specific Module (STANAG 4586) |
VSM➣Vouge Silver Metallic (Honda car paint color) |
VSM➣Variation Simulation Modeling (CAE) |
VSM➣Verband Schweizerischer Münzenhändler (Swiss Association of Coin Traders) |
VSM➣Vector Size Measure |
VSM➣Vegetarian Society of Minnesota (USA) |
VSM➣Video Switching Matrix |
VSM➣Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Submicron |
VSM➣Video Systems Matrix |
VSM➣Virtual Services Management |
VSM➣Vector Sum Method |
VSM➣Visiting Staff Member |
VSM➣Verband Schweizer Munzenhandler (Basel, Switzerland) |
VSM➣Virtual Spatial Model |
VSM➣Versioned Staged Model (software development model) |
VSM➣Virtual Switch Memory |
VSM➣Verband für Schiffbau und Meerestechnik EV (German Shipbuliding and Ocean Industries Association) |