pituitary gland, pituitary body

pituitary gland, pituitary body

or pituitary an ENDOCRINE ORGAN derived from a down-growth of the infundibulum of the brain (pars nervosa) and an upgrowth of the hypophysis (pars distalis and pars intermedia). The pars distalis is usually referred to as the anterior pituitary which produces FOLLICLE-STIMULATING HORMONE (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH),LUTEOTROPHIC HORMONE (LTH), ADRENOCORTICOTROPIC HORMONE (ACTH), THYROTROPHIC HORMONE and GROWTH HORMONE. The pars intermedia and pars nervosa (neurohypophysis) form the posterior pituitary; the former produces ‘intermedin’ in fish, amphibia and reptiles (absent in birds and mammals) which is associated with change in skin colour; the latter secretes oxytocin and ADH, which are produced in the hypothalamus and stored in the pars nervosa. The pituitary controls the function of other endocrine organs.