

 [therm″es-the″ze-om´ĕ-ter] an instrument for measuring sensibility to heat.


(ther'mō-es-thē'zē-om'ĕ-tĕr), An instrument for testing the temperature sense, consisting of a metal disk with thermometer attached, by which the exact temperature of the disk at the time of application may be known. Synonym(s): thermesthesiometer [thermo- + G. aisthēsis, sensation, + metron, measure]


, thermesthesiometer (thĕr'mō-es-thē-zē-om'ĕ-tĕr, thĕrm'es-thē-zē-om'ĕ-tĕr) An instrument for testing a subject's temperature sense, consisting of a metal disc with thermometer attached, by which the exact temperature of the disc at the time of application may be known.
Synonym(s): thermaesthesiometer, thermoaesthesiometer.
[thermo- + G. aisthēsis, sensation, + metron, measure]