

also pix·el·late (pĭk′sə-lāt′)tr.v. pix·e·lat·ed, pix·e·lat·ing, pix·e·lates also pix·el·lat·ed or pix·el·lat·ing or pix·el·lates To reduce the resolution of (a digital image) by replacing groups of pixels whose values are different with groups of pixels whose values are the same, typically the minimum, maximum, or average value of the original pixels in that group. Images can be pixelated intentionally or as the accidental result of enlarging an image too far.
pix′e·la′tion (-lā′shən) n.


(ˌpɪksɪˈleɪʃən) n1. (Broadcasting) a video technique in which an image is blurred by being overlaid with a grid of squares, usually to disguise the identity of a person