push somebody's buttons

push (one's) buttons

1. To do things that create a very strong emotional reaction in one, especially anger, irritation, or exasperation. I hate Dave's new boyfriend, he's always trying to push my buttons, and he's doing a good job of it! No one will be able to push your buttons like your children, but it's all a part of the adventure of parenthood.2. To be sexually attractive or arousing to one. A guy who knows how to cook really pushes my buttons.See also: button, push

ˌpush somebody’s ˈbuttons

(also ˌpress somebody’s ˈbuttons especially in British English ) (informal) make somebody react, especially in an angry or excited way: I almost never lose my temper, but this guy can really push my buttons.I’ve known him for years, but I still don’t really know what pushes his buttons.See also: button, push