rest vertical dimension

rest ver·ti·cal di·men·sion

the vertical dimension of the face with the jaws in rest relation; decrease in rest vertical dimension may or may not accompany a decrease in occlusal vertical dimension; it may occur without a decrease in occlusal vertical dimension in patients with a preponderant activity of the jaw-closing musculature, as in patients with muscular hypertenseness or in chronic gum chewers; increase in rest vertical dimension may or may not accompany an increase in occlusal vertical dimension; it sometimes occurs after the removal of remaining occlusal contacts, perhaps as a result of the removal of noxious reflex stimuli.

rest ver·ti·cal di·men·sion

(rest vĕrti-kăl di-menshŭn) Facial measurement with jaws in rest relation; a decrease may or may not accompany decrease in occlusal vertical dimension; may occur without a decrease in occlusal vertical dimension in patients with a preponderant activity of jaw-closing musculature, as in patients with muscular hypertenseness or in long-term gum chewers; increase may or may not accompany an increase in occlusal vertical dimension; sometimes occurs after removal of remaining occlusal contacts, perhaps as a result of the removal of noxious reflex stimuli.