

R0186800 (rĭ-zŭlt′)intr.v. re·sult·ed, re·sult·ing, re·sults 1. To happen as a consequence: damage that resulted from the storm; charges that resulted from the investigation. See Synonyms at follow.2. To end in a particular way: Their profligate lifestyle resulted in bankruptcy.n.1. a. Something that follows naturally from a particular action, operation, or course; a consequence or outcome. See Synonyms at effect.b. results Favorable or desired outcomes: a new approach that got results.2. Mathematics The quantity or expression obtained by calculation.
[Middle English resulten, from Medieval Latin resultāre, from Latin, to leap back, frequentative of resilīre : re-, re- + salīre, to leap; see sel- in Indo-European roots.]
re·sult′ful·sult′ful·ness·sult′less adj.


(rɪˈzʌltləs) adjlacking in results or significant effects