scattered radiation

scat·tered ra·di·a·tion

secondary radiation emitted from the interaction of x-rays with matter; generally lower in energy, with a directional distribution that depends on the energy of the incident radiation. Synonym(s): secondary radiation

scat·tered ra·di·a·tion

(skat'ĕrd rā'dē-ā'shŭn) Radiation that has been deflected from its path by impact with matter. This form of secondary radiation is emitted diffusely by the tissues of the patient during exposure to x-radiation.
See also: secondary radiation

scat·tered ra·di·a·tion

(skat'ĕrd rā'dē-ā'shŭn) Radiation that has been deflected from its path by impact with matter. This form of secondary radiation is emitted diffusely by the tissues of the patient during exposure to x-radiation.