attributable risk


 [risk] a danger or hazard; the probability of suffering harm.attributable risk the amount or proportion of incidence of disease or death (or risk of disease or death) in individuals exposed to a specific risk factor that can be attributed to exposure to that factor; the difference in the risk for unexposed versus exposed individuals. empiric risk the probability that a trait will occur or recur in a family based solely on experience rather than on knowledge of the causative mechanism. See also risk" >genetic risk.genetic risk the probability that a trait will occur or recur in a family, based on knowledge of its genetic pattern of transmission. See also risk" >empiric risk.relative risk for a disease, death, or other outcome, the ratio of the incidence rate among individuals with a given risk factor to the incidence rate among those without it.

at·tri·but·a·ble risk

the rate of a disease or other outcome in exposed individuals that can be attributed to the exposure.

attributable risk

Epidemiology Any factor which ↑ the risk of suffering a particular condition. See Relative risk, Risk factor. Cf Nonattributable risk Statistics The rate of a disorder in exposed subjects that is attributable to the exposure derived from subtracting the rate–incidence or mortality of the disorder of a nonexposed population from the rate in an exposed population.