

单词 tuberomammillary nucleus
释义 DictionarySeenucleus

Tuberik, Voldemar

Tuberik, Vol’demar Hansovich


(party pseudonym, Robert Hansovich Nadson). Born Apr. 15 (27), 1897, in Tallinn; died 1942 (?). Revolutionary figure in Estonia. Member of the Communist Party from 1920.

The son of a house painter, Tuberik was a member of the working class. After helping organize the All-Estonian League of Young Proletarians in 1920, he served on the league’s administrative board. In 1922 he became a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of Estonia and of the Executive Committee of the Communist International of Youth. He worked at the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in 1923 and 1924, and in 1925 he served as secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of Estonia, which was an underground organization in bourgeois Estonia. From 1926 to 1930, Tuberik was secretary of the Leningrad branch of the J. Marchlewski Communist University for National Minorities of the West. From 1931 to 1934 he worked in the secretariat of the Executive Committee of the Comintern. In 1934 he played an important part in organizing the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Estonia, which was forced to operate underground.

Tuberik was arrested in 1935 and sentenced to 15 years of hard labor, but he was freed in 1938 as a result of an amnesty. He was killed during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45.


Znamenostsy revoliutsii, issue 1. Tallinn, 1964.

tuberomammillary nucleus

lat·er·al hy·po·tha·lam·ic ar·e·a

[TA] the portion of the hypothalamus located generally lateral to a rosterocaudal line drawn through the column of the fornix and the mammillothalamic tract; contains fibers collectively comprising the medial forebrain bundle [TA] and the following nuclei: portions of the preoptic area [TA] (area preoptica [TA]), portions of the lateral tuberal nuclei [TA] (nuclei tuberales laterales [TA]), the perifornical nucleus [TA] (nucleus perifornicalis [TA]), and the tuberomammillary nucleus [TA] (nucleus tuberomammillaris [TA]).
See also: hypothalamus.
Synonym(s): area hypothalamica lateralis [TA]

tuberomammillary nucleus

A hypothalamic nucleus found just lateral to the medial mammillary nucleus. It is characterized by histaminergic axons that widely and diffusely innervate the entire brain. Neurons of this nucleus fire regularly when a person is awake and rarely during sleep. Stimulation of the tuberomammillary nucleus raises blood pressure and heart rate. See also: nucleus




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