Acronym | Definition |
PLA➣Paola (postal locality, Malta) |
PLA➣People's Liberation Army (China) |
PLA➣Polylactic Acid |
PLA➣Plucked from the Air (budgeting method) |
PLA➣Permanent Loan Agreement |
PLA➣Property Lease Agreement |
PLA➣Prior Learning Assessment |
PLA➣Plasminogen Activator |
PLA➣Public Library Association |
PLA➣Programmable Logic Array |
PLA➣Patent License Agreement |
PLA➣Pre-school Learning Alliance (London, UK) |
PLA➣Professional Labor Assistant |
PLA➣Port of London Authority |
PLA➣Pelvic Lymphadenectomy |
PLA➣Palestine Liberation Army |
PLA➣Participatory Learning and Action |
PLA➣Parasternal Long-Axis |
PLA➣Premises Liability Act (law; various locations) |
PLA➣Product Listing Ads (marketing) |
PLA➣Professional Landscape Architect |
PLA➣Personal Loan Agreement |
PLA➣Paya Lebar Air Base |
PLA➣Project Labor Agreements |
PLA➣American Plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) |
PLA➣Principal Leadership Academy (various locations) |
PLA➣Payday Loan Act |
PLA➣Pennsylvania Library Association |
PLA➣Pakistan Library Association |
PLA➣Performance Logs and Alerts |
PLA➣Program License Agreement |
PLA➣Product License Application |
PLA➣Purchase and License Agreement |
PLA➣Parallel Linker Advance |
PLA➣Provincial Liberal Association (Ontario, Canada) |
PLA➣Property Law Act (various locations) |
PLA➣Public Land Acquisition |
PLA➣Principal's Leadership Award |
PLA➣Public Lands Act (Canada) |
PLA➣Product License Application (FDA) |
PLA➣Parachute Landing Area |
PLA➣PhpLdapAdmin (PHP tool for LDAP Server Administration) |
PLA➣Phone Losers of America |
PLA➣Project Leadership Associates (various locations) |
PLA➣Paperless Lab Academy |
PLA➣Pure Love Alliance |
PLA➣Provincial Licensing Authority (South Africa) |
PLA➣Prêt Locatif Aidé (French: Assisted Rental Loans) |
PLA➣Proliteracy America (education) |
PLA➣Petroleum Licensing Authority (UK) |
PLA➣Passenger's Luggage in Advance |
PLA➣Predatory Lending Association |
PLA➣Pipleine Loss Allowance (transportation costs; various locations) |
PLA➣Public Library Authority (various locations) |
PLA➣Pierce Leahy Archives |
PLA➣Philip Lawrence Awards (UK) |
PLA➣Plain Language Address |
PLA➣Participatory Learning Approach (pedagogy) |
PLA➣Pull Accumulator from Stack (6502 processor instruction) |
PLA➣Portland Leather Alliance |
PLA➣Performance Level Assessment |
PLA➣Practice Low Approach (FAA) |
PLA➣Partial Look-Ahead |
PLA➣Participatory Learning Appraisal |
PLA➣Parachute Location Aid |
PLA➣Purchased Life Annuity |
PLA➣Power Level Angle |
PLA➣Professional Loadmaster Association |
PLA➣Pacific Legal Advisory (Bangkok & Thailand law firm) |
PLA➣Pool Leagues of America |
PLA➣Partido Liberal Andaluz |
PLA➣Procurement Liaison Auditor (Defense Contract Audit Agency) |
PLA➣Planar Loop Antenna (wideband antenna) |
PLA➣Pathology Laboratory Associates, Inc (Tulsa, OK) |
PLA➣Power Level Actuator |
PLA➣Proactive Logistics Assessment |
PLA➣Pylon Loading Adapter |
PLA➣Planned Labor Application |
PLA➣Probabilistic Luck Assessment |
PLA➣Power Lever Angle Actuator |
PLA➣Pensacola Lighthouse Association (Florida, USA) |
PLA➣Power-Loading Agreement (coal mining; UK) |
PLA➣Please Leave Alone |