

单词 pla



abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Port of London Authority



(electronics) programmed logic array


(language, music)A high-level music programming language,written in SAIL. Pla includes concurrency based onmessage passing.

["Pla: A Composer's Idea of a Language", B. Schottstaedt,Computer Music J 7(1):11-20, Winter 1983].


(Programmable Logic Array) A type of programmable logic chip (PLD) that contained arrays of programmable AND and OR gates. PLAs are no longer used. See PLD.


PLAPaola (postal locality, Malta)
PLAPeople's Liberation Army (China)
PLAPolylactic Acid
PLAPlucked from the Air (budgeting method)
PLAPermanent Loan Agreement
PLAProperty Lease Agreement
PLAPrior Learning Assessment
PLAPlasminogen Activator
PLAPublic Library Association
PLAProgrammable Logic Array
PLAPatent License Agreement
PLAPre-school Learning Alliance (London, UK)
PLAProfessional Labor Assistant
PLAPort of London Authority
PLAPelvic Lymphadenectomy
PLAPalestine Liberation Army
PLAParticipatory Learning and Action
PLAParasternal Long-Axis
PLAPremises Liability Act (law; various locations)
PLAProduct Listing Ads (marketing)
PLAProfessional Landscape Architect
PLAPersonal Loan Agreement
PLAPaya Lebar Air Base
PLAProject Labor Agreements
PLAAmerican Plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides)
PLAPrincipal Leadership Academy (various locations)
PLAPayday Loan Act
PLAPennsylvania Library Association
PLAPakistan Library Association
PLAPerformance Logs and Alerts
PLAProgram License Agreement
PLAProduct License Application
PLAPurchase and License Agreement
PLAParallel Linker Advance
PLAProvincial Liberal Association (Ontario, Canada)
PLAProperty Law Act (various locations)
PLAPublic Land Acquisition
PLAPrincipal's Leadership Award
PLAPublic Lands Act (Canada)
PLAProduct License Application (FDA)
PLAParachute Landing Area
PLAPhpLdapAdmin (PHP tool for LDAP Server Administration)
PLAPhone Losers of America
PLAProject Leadership Associates (various locations)
PLAPaperless Lab Academy
PLAPure Love Alliance
PLAProvincial Licensing Authority (South Africa)
PLAPrêt Locatif Aidé (French: Assisted Rental Loans)
PLAProliteracy America (education)
PLAPetroleum Licensing Authority (UK)
PLAPassenger's Luggage in Advance
PLAPredatory Lending Association
PLAPipleine Loss Allowance (transportation costs; various locations)
PLAPublic Library Authority (various locations)
PLAPierce Leahy Archives
PLAPhilip Lawrence Awards (UK)
PLAPlain Language Address
PLAParticipatory Learning Approach (pedagogy)
PLAPull Accumulator from Stack (6502 processor instruction)
PLAPortland Leather Alliance
PLAPerformance Level Assessment
PLAPractice Low Approach (FAA)
PLAPartial Look-Ahead
PLAParticipatory Learning Appraisal
PLAParachute Location Aid
PLAPurchased Life Annuity
PLAPower Level Angle
PLAProfessional Loadmaster Association
PLAPacific Legal Advisory (Bangkok & Thailand law firm)
PLAPool Leagues of America
PLAPartido Liberal Andaluz
PLAProcurement Liaison Auditor (Defense Contract Audit Agency)
PLAPlanar Loop Antenna (wideband antenna)
PLAPathology Laboratory Associates, Inc (Tulsa, OK)
PLAPower Level Actuator
PLAProactive Logistics Assessment
PLAPylon Loading Adapter
PLAPlanned Labor Application
PLAProbabilistic Luck Assessment
PLAPower Lever Angle Actuator
PLAPensacola Lighthouse Association (Florida, USA)
PLAPower-Loading Agreement (coal mining; UK)
PLAPlease Leave Alone
ThesaurusSeePeople's Liberation Army




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