Sidorov, Veniamin

Sidorov, Veniamin Aleksandrovich


Born Oct. 19, 1930, in the village of Babarino, Suzdal’ Raion, Vladimir Oblast. Soviet physicist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1968).

After graduating from Moscow State University in 1953, Si-dorovjoined the staff of the Institute of Atomic Energy. In 1962 he became affiliated with the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Division of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Together with other workers, Sidorov developed the colliding beam technique; he and the collective shared the Lenin Prize for this achievement in 1967. He has carried out experiments to test the applicability of the laws of quantum electrodynamics at short distances and to investigate double bremsstrahlung from colliding electron beams. Sidorov has also done work in fast-neutron spectrometry. He has investigated vector mesons, mul-tihadron annihilation, and the production of e+e- pairs by colliding beams of electrons and positrons.


Speklrometriia bystrykh neitronov. Moscow, 1968. (With B. V. Ryba-kov.)
“Novosibirsk Colliding Beam Experiments.” Proceedings of the Symposium on Electron and Photon Interactions. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University, 1971.