释义 |
ther·mo·es·the·si·a (ther'mō-es-thē'zē-ă), The ability to distinguish differences of temperature. Synonym(s): temperature sense, thermal sense, thermic sense, thermesthesia [thermo- + G. aisthēsis, sensation] ther·mo·es·the·si·a , thermesthesia (thĕr'mō-es-thē'zē-ă, thĕrm'es-thē'zē-ă) The ability to distinguish differences of temperature. Synonym(s): thermoaesthesia. [thermo- + G. aisthēsis, sensation]thermoesthesia (ther?mo-es-the'ze-a) [Gr. therme, heat, + aisthesis, sensation] Thermesthesia.ther·mo·es·the·si·a , thermesthesia (thĕr'mō-es-thē'zē-ă, thĕrm'es-thē'zē-ă) Ability to distinguish differences of temperature. Synonym(s): thermoaesthesia. [thermo- + G. aisthēsis, sensation] |