

单词 american national standards institute

American National Standards Institute

American National Standards Institute

The United States standards organization that establishes procedures for the development and coordination of voluntary American national standards.

American National Standards Institute

A·mer·i·can Na·tion·al Stand·ards In·sti·tute (ANSI),

(ă-mĕr'i-kan na'shŭn-ăl stan'derdz in'sti-tūt), Organization that sets standards for physical measures in the U.S.

American National Standards Institute

A body founded in 1918 that helps co-ordinate US voluntary standards efforts and acts as the approval body, which recognises documents developed by other national organisations—e.g., American National Standards. ANSI acts as the US representative in international and regional standards efforts, and serving as a clearinghouse for standards development information.

American National Standards Institute


A·mer·i·can Na·tion·al Stand·ards In·sti·tute

(ANSI) (ă-meri-kăn nash'ŏ-năl standărdz insti-tūt) Organization that sets standards for physical measures in the United States.

A·mer·i·can Na·tion·al Stand·ards In·sti·tute

(ANSI) (ă-meri-kăn dentăl hī-jēnists ă-sōsē-āshŭn) Organization that sets standards for physical measures in the United States.

American National Standards Institute

American National Standards Institute

A non-profit organization that oversees development of voluntary standards of quality for products of governments and private companies. Members include government agencies, corporations, academics, and other individuals. While it was established by groups primarily interested in engineering standards, it works in other fields as well, notably health care. It was founded in 1918.




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