put in a good word

put in a good word (for one)

To recommend one (for something); to say complimentary things about one, their performance, or their capabilities. (Can also be structured "put a good word in (for someone).") I heard you're applying for that IT job here. I'll be sure to put in a good word for you. Her former boss put in a good word for her, but we were a little disappointed in her application.See also: good, put, word

put in a good word (for someone)

Fig. to say something (to someone) in support of someone else. I hope you get the job. I'll put in a good word for you. Yes, I want the job. If you see the boss, please put in a good word.See also: good, put, word

put in a good word

Make a supportive remark or favorable recommendation. For example, Please put in a good word for me with the supervisor, or When you see her, put in a good word for the department. The use of good word for a laudatory utterance dates from about 1200. See also: good, put, word