switching site

switch·ing site

the breakpoint in a DNA sequence at which a gene segment unites with another gene segment, as in the production of the immunoglobulins.

switch·ing site

(swich'ing sīt) The breakpoint in a DNA sequence at which a gene segment unites with another gene segment, as in the production of the immunoglobulins.

Patient discussion about switching site

Q. does anyone have experience switching from metformin to janumet? A. ?
Janumet is metformin... it's a generic name for it. metformin is a substance name and there's all kind of drug companies that manufacture it (all in different names and little formula differences).

Q. I am planning to switch over my son to vegetarian diet. I am planning to switch over my son to vegetarian diet as he develops a allergy while consuming Non-Vegetarian diet. I do not understand why he has developed this strange issue and we have been having Non-Veg diet for generations. I feel pity for him as every time he consumes Non-Veg diet, he develops a problem and I can never understand the reason. I did try several veg dishes and he feels comfortable in them. I would love him having chicken and mutton dishes and I really feel sorry for him. I am feeling nervous as I have several doubts on vegetarian food. Do you think by carrying out Veg foods can he develop good health? I hope someone answers by questionA. Hey…Please understand that many people are switching over to vegetarian food these days and you need not worry. He can increase on lentils sprouted beans, milk, and other veg food items as they do have good source of energy.

Q. My close friends have switched to Chinese medicine and they say it’s good with their experience. My close friends have switched to Chinese medicine and they say it’s good with their experience. I want to know in what way does Chinese medicine is different from western medicine?A. it's an holistic method that tries to help people live a balanced life in order to achieve health. i can't say that they are wrong, but i can tell you that combining it with western medicine could be more beneficial. Chines medicine cannot help too much with things like infectious diseases or Diabetes type 1.

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