Acronym | Definition |
SIG➣Special Interest Group |
SIG➣Signal |
SIG➣Signature |
SIG➣Signor (Italian: Mister; used like Mr.) |
SIG➣Système d'Information Géographique (French) |
SIG➣Summer Institute for the Gifted |
SIG➣Sistema de Información Geográfica (Spanish) |
SIG➣Susquehanna International Group (Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania) |
SIG➣School Improvement Grant (US Department of Education) |
SIG➣Services Industriels de Genève (Switzerland) |
SIG➣Software Installation Guide (instructions) |
SIG➣Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company |
SIG➣Sigmoidoscopy |
SIG➣Solomon Islands Government |
SIG➣Signalman |
SIG➣Service d'Information du Gouvernement (French: Department of Government Information) |
SIG➣Support and Information Group |
SIG➣Settings File |
SIG➣Signature File |
SIG➣Signaller |
SIG➣Special Investigation Group (various locations) |
SIG➣Sigmoidoscope |
SIG➣Structural Informatics Group (Washington) |
SIG➣Standardized Information Gathering (questionnaire) |
SIG➣Spectrum Is Green (from the TV Series, Captain Scarlet) |
SIG➣Strategy Implementation Group (various organizations) |
SIG➣Secure Internet Gateway |
SIG➣Social Issues Group (Malaysia) |
SIG➣Surface Immunoglobulins |
SIG➣SMDS Interest Group |
SIG➣Strategic Initiatives Group (USMC) |
SIG➣State Innovation Grant (US EPA) |
SIG➣Senior Integration Group (US DoD) |
SIG➣Senior Interdepartmental Group |
SIG➣Stamford Industrial Group (Stamford, CT) |
SIG➣Signature Investigations Group (Michigan) |
SIG➣Small Inducible Gene (inflammatory response) |
SIG➣Softgoal Interdependency Graph |
SIG➣Stress in General (scale) |
SIG➣Street Index Guide |
SIG➣Single Instant Game |
SIG➣System Integration Group |
SIG➣Strategic Intelligence Group |
SIG➣Shanghai International Group Corporation Limited |
SIG➣Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft AG |
SIG➣Selective Integral Ground |
SIG➣Site Integration Group |
SIG➣Self Inspection Guide |
SIG➣Ship Improvement Guide |
SIG➣PMW Poster Type File (Printmaster Premier 8.0 file extension) |
SIG➣Specific Industry Group |
SIG➣Staff Involvement Group (UK NHS) |
SIG➣Strategic Integration Group |
SIG➣Shanghai Industries Group, Ltd. (Shanghai, China) |
SIG➣Service Instruction Guidance (University of Miami high school tutoring program) |
SIG➣SSDS Interface Gateway |
SIG➣Service Integration Gateway |