Acronym | Definition |
SPAP➣Shiva Password Authentication Protocol |
SPAP➣State Pharmacy Assistance Program |
SPAP➣Shiva Password Authentication Protocol (authentication protocol for Windows 2000 connectivity) |
SPAP➣Systolic Pulmonary Artery Pressure |
SPAP➣Standar Profesional Akuntan Publik (Indonesia) |
SPAP➣Society for Physician Assistants in Pediatrics |
SPAP➣School of Pure and Applied Physics |
SPAP➣South Plains Association of Psychologists |
SPAP➣Samodzielny Pododdzial Antyterrorystyczny Policji (Polish Police Force) |
SPAP➣Special Payloads Adaptive Processor (NASA) |
SPAP➣Strategic Propulsion Applications Program (US Navy/Air Force) |
SPAP➣Smart Positive Airway Pressure |
SPAP➣Special Processes and Procedures |
SPAP➣Separate Additional Position |
SPAP➣Static Process Assignment Prediction |