SPAPShiva Password Authentication Protocol
SPAPState Pharmacy Assistance Program
SPAPShiva Password Authentication Protocol (authentication protocol for Windows 2000 connectivity)
SPAPSystolic Pulmonary Artery Pressure
SPAPStandar Profesional Akuntan Publik (Indonesia)
SPAPSociety for Physician Assistants in Pediatrics
SPAPSchool of Pure and Applied Physics
SPAPSouth Plains Association of Psychologists
SPAPSamodzielny Pododdzial Antyterrorystyczny Policji (Polish Police Force)
SPAPSpecial Payloads Adaptive Processor (NASA)
SPAPStrategic Propulsion Applications Program (US Navy/Air Force)
SPAPSmart Positive Airway Pressure
SPAPSpecial Processes and Procedures
SPAPSeparate Additional Position
SPAPStatic Process Assignment Prediction