

单词 schardinger, franz
释义 See xanthine oxidase

Schapiro, Meyer

Schapiro, Meyer

(shəpĭr`ō), 1904–96, American art historian, b. Siauliai, Lithuania. Schapiro came to the United States in 1907 and later attended Columbia Univ., where he began teaching in 1928, received a Ph.D. in 1929, and became a full professor in 1952. He also taught at New York Univ. (1932–36) and the New School for Social Research (1936–52), where his lectures were particularly influential on many artists and writers. In his earliest work Schapiro made pioneering investigations into the nature and aesthetics of Romanesque sculpture, and he gained prominence in the 1930s as a critic and champion of modern art. He also contributed scholarship of the highest order in the areas of early Christian, medieval, 19th-century, and modern art, exploring such areas as the history of style and the relationship of art to folk art traditions, to sociology, anthropology, psychoanalysis, and other disciplines.

Schapiro's earlier essays include "The Nature of Abstract Art" (1937), "On the Aesthetic Attitude in Romanesque Art" (1948), and "Leonardo and Freud" (1956). Among his most important books are studies on Van Gogh (1950) and Cézanne (1952) and four major essay collections: Romanesque Art (1977), Modern Art: 19th and 20th Centuries (2 vol., 1978–79), Late Antique, Early Christian and Mediaeval Art (1979), and Theory and Philosophy of Art: Style, Artist and Society (1994).

Schapiro, Meyer

(1904– ) art historian; born in Shavly, Russia. His family emigrated to America (1907), and he studied at Columbia University (B.A. 1924; M.A. 1926; Ph.D. 1929), where, beginning in 1928, he taught for many years. He also held concurrent positions as a lecturer at other institutions in America and abroad. He specialized in early medieval and modern art, and published several theoretical texts on the symbolic content of art.

Schardinger, Franz


Franz, Austrian scientist, 1853-1920. Schardinger dextrins - the result of action of Bacillus macerans on starch.Schardinger enzyme - a flavoprotein containing molybdenum. Synonym(s): xanthine oxidaseSchardinger reaction - an example of oxidation in the absence of O2 with an organic hydrogen acceptor.




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