put on hold

put (one) on hold

To temporarily suspend one's telephone call by putting it into an electronic hold, typically while the caller waits to be connected to someone. Thank you for your query. I'll have to put you on hold while I ask my supervisor about this issue. The bank always puts you on hold when you try to get through to them.See also: hold, on, put

put (something) on hold

To pause, postpone, or suspend an activity. We've had to put the sale on hold while we figure out why the website keeps crashing. Do you mind if we put date night on hold for a few weeks until we get done with this project at work?See also: hold, on, put

put someone or something on hold

to put someone or someone's telephone call on an electronic hold. (See also someone on hold">put someone on hold.) Please don't put me on hold! I'm in a hurry! I am going to have to put your call on hold.See also: hold, on, put

put someone on hold

Fig. to stop all activity or communication with someone. (See also someone or something on hold">put someone or something on hold.) John put Ann on hold and started dating Mary. "You can't just put me on hold!" cried Ann.See also: hold, on, put

put something on hold

to postpone something; to stop the progress of something. (See also someone on hold">put someone on hold; someone or something on hold">put someone or something on hold.) They put the project on hold until they got enough money to finish it. Sorry, but we must put your plan on hold.See also: hold, on, put

put on hold/ice/the back burner, to

To postpone, delay, keep in reserve. The oldest of these nearly synonymous terms is to put something on ice, the transfer from food storage (on ice blocks) to anything kept in reserve occurring in the late nineteenth century. Chefs put food that is either finished or cooks more quickly than the rest of a meal on a back burner of the range. By about 1930, this term was transferred to temporarily shelving any item or project or plan, originally in the United States, and came into general use about thirty years later. To put on hold also dates from the mid-twentieth century. It began to be used for the temporary interruption or suspension of a space launch and/or a telephone conversation. It was commonplace in both activities by about 1960 and was rapidly transferred to other kinds of delay, although its literal application—interrupting a telephone connection to wait for its resumption—is still current, along with the irritations generated by call waiting. See also your call is important.See also: back, hold, ice, on, put