Store Bælt and Lille Bælt

Store Bælt (stô`rə bĕlt) and Lille Bælt

(lĭl`ə) [Great Belt and Little Belt], two shallow straits, S Denmark, connecting the Kattegat with the Baltic Sea. The Store Bælt, c.40 mi (60 km) long and from 10 to 20 mi (16–32 km) wide, separates SjællandSjælland
or Zealand
, Ger. Seeland, island (1992 pop. 1,976,882), 2,709 sq mi (7,016 sq km), E Denmark, between the Kattegat and the Baltic Sea. Denmark's largest island, it is separated from Fyn by the Store Bælt and from Sweden by the Øresund.
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 and FynFyn
, Ger. Fünen, island (1992 pop. 440,261), c.1,340 sq mi (3,471 sq km), Fyn co., S central Denmark. Odense, Svendborg, Nyborg, Assens, and Middelfart are the chief cities of Fyn, which is the second largest of the Danish islands.
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 islands. The Lille Bælt, c.30 mi (50 km) long and from .5 to 18 mi (.8–29 km) wide, lies between Fyn and JutlandJutland
, Dan. Jylland, Ger. Jütland, peninsula, c.250 mi (400 km) long and up to 110 mi (177 km) wide, N Europe, comprising continental Denmark and N Schleswig-Holstein state, Germany.
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. Bridges and a tunnel permit road and rail traffic to cross both straits.