Technical Sports

Technical Sports


the collective term for various sets of general physical exercises and skills in the use of technical equipment and the system of holding competitions involving use of such equipment. Each technical sport has a specific, practical application.

Technical sports include aviation sports (with helicopters, gliders, and airplanes), automotive sports, motorcycle sports, radiosport, shooting, motorboating, underwater sports, and sports with aircraft, automobile, and ship models.

Development of technical sports began in the USSR in the 1950’s, and all-Union competitions have been held since 1958. All-Union federations for technical sports were formed in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. In 1963 the federations were united under the Bureau of Sports Federations of the All-Union Voluntary Society for Cooperation With the Army, Air Force, and Navy. In 1975 there were more than 5,000 technical sports clubs and 19.6 million people engaged in technical sports. More than 2 million people fulfill rating requirements in technical sports each year.