

 [ret″ro-nath´izm] retrusion of the mandible. Called also retrognathia. adj., adj retrognath´ic.


(ret'rō-nath'izm), In the diphthong gn, the g is silent only at the beginning of a word.A condition of facial disharmony in which one or both jaws are posterior to normal in their craniofacial relationships; usually used in reference to the mandible. [retro- + G. gnathos, jaw]


(ret-rog'nă-thizm) A condition of facial disharmony in which one or both jaws are posterior to normal in their craniofacial relationships; usually used in reference to the mandible. [retro- + G. gnathos, jaw]


(ret-rog'nă-thizm) Condition of facial disharmony in which one or both jaws are posterior to normal in their craniofacial relationships. [retro-, back + G. gnathos, jaw]