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balanced translocation
balanced translocation[′bal·ənst tranz·lō′kā·shən] (genetics) Positional change of one or more chromosome segments in cells or gametes without alteration of the normal diploid or haploid complement of genetic material. balanced translocation
bal·anced trans·lo·ca·tiontranslocation of the long arm of an acrocentric chromosome to another chromosome; an individual with a balanced translocation has a normal diploid genome and is clinically normal but has a chromosome count of 45 and as a result of asymmetric meiosis may have children lacking the genes on the translocated segment or have them in trisomy.bal·anced trans·lo·ca·tion (bal'ănst tranz-lō-kā'shŭn) Translocation of the long arm of an acrocentric chromosome to another chromosome; a person with a balanced translocation has a normal diploid genome and is clinically normal but has a chromosome count of 45 and as a result of asymmetric meiosis may have children lacking the genes on the translocated segment or having them in trisomy. |