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DictionarySeefibrosisretroperitoneal fibrosis
fibrosis [fi-bro´sis] formation of fibrous tissue; see also degeneration" >fibroid degeneration. adj., adj fibrot´ic.congenital hepatic fibrosis a developmental disorder of the liver, marked by formation of irregular broad bands of fibrous tissue containing multiple cysts formed by disordered terminal bile ducts, resulting in vascular constriction and portal hypertension.cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis of pancreas) see cystic fibrosis.diffuse idiopathic interstitial fibrosis (diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis) idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.endomyocardial fibrosis an idiopathic type of myocardiopathy that is endemic in various parts of Africa and rarely in other areas, characterized by cardiomegaly, marked thickening of the endocardium with dense white fibrous tissue that may extend to involve the inner myocardium, and by heart failure" >congestive heart failure.idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis chronic inflammatory progressive fibrosis of the pulmonary alveolar walls, with steadily progressive dyspnea, resulting in death from oxygen lack or right heart failure. Most cases are of unknown origin, although some are thought to result from pneumoconiosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, scleroderma, and other diseases.mediastinal fibrosis development of hard white fibrous tissue in the upper portion of the mediastinum, sometimes obstructing the air passages and large blood vessels; called also fibrosing or fibrous mediastinitis.periureteral fibrosis retroperitoneal fibrosis.pleural fibrosis fibrosis of the visceral pleura so that part or all of a lung becomes covered with a plaque or a thick layer of nonexpansible fibrous tissue. The more extensive form is called fibrothorax.postfibrinous fibrosis that occurring in tissues in which fibrin has been deposited.proliferative fibrosis that in which the fibrous elements continue to proliferate after the original causative factor has ceased to operate.pulmonary fibrosis idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.retroperitoneal fibrosis deposition of fibrous tissue in the retroperitoneal space, producing vague abdominal discomfort, and often causing blockage of the ureters, with resultant hydronephrosis and impaired renal function, which may result in renal failure. Called also Ormond disease.fibrosis u´teri a morbid condition characterized by overgrowth of the smooth muscle and increase in the collagenous fibrous tissue of the uterus, producing a thickened, coarse, tough myometrium.ret·ro·per·i·to·ne·al fi·bro·sisfibrosis of retroperitoneal structures and connective tissue commonly involving and obstructing the ureters; the cause is usually unknown. Synonym(s): idiopathic fibrous retroperitonitis, Ormond disease, periureteritis plasticaretroperitoneal fibrosis Ormond's disease Urology An idiopathic affliction of young adults–ages 30-45, ♂:♀ ratio, 2:1, characterized by retroperitoneal proliferation of fibrous tissue that encases the ureters, causing obstructive uropathy and possibly renal failure, which may evoke fibrosis elsewhere–eg, sclerosing cholangitis and mediastinitis, Riedel's thyroiditis, pseudotumor of orbit and generalized vasculitis Clinical Malaise, vomiting, backache, constipation, HTN Radiology Compression of intraabdominal structures Lab Oliguria, azotemia, proteinuria, ↑ ESR, anemiaret·ro·per·i·to·ne·al fi·bro·sis (ret'rō-per'i-tŏ-nē'ăl fī-brō'sis) Fibrosis of retroperitoneal structures commonly involving and often obstructing the ureters; the cause is usually unknown. Synonym(s): Ormond disease. retroperitoneal fibrosis Inflammatory scarring of tissues at the back of the abdominal cavity. The condition may be caused by drugs such as practolol and methysergide, malignant disease, infections or surgery, but usually occurs for no known reason. It may cause obstruction of the ureters and kidney failure.Ormond, John Kelso, U.S. urologist, 1886–. Ormond disease - Synonym(s): retroperitoneal fibrosis |